Loïsa Puget

Born: 11 February 1810, Paris, France
Died: 24 October 1889, Pau, Italy



Loïsa Puget, who was born in Paris, studied music with her mother, Jeanne-Françoise Stassny, a singer. She became both a performer and a composer after studying with Adolphe Adam. Some of her more than 300 popular romances were showcased at Parisian salons, in convents, and in boarding schools. Their popularity was unprecedented as translated editions in French, German, and English could be found in Germany, England, and the United States. A number of composers also wrote keyboard adaptations of her songs.

Puget’s husband, poet and actor, Gustav Lemoine, whom she married in 1845, provided most of her strophic texts. Many of Puget’s songs were charming romances that reflected a certain innocence though she presented contrasted sentiments with songs about more dramatic subjects written in the arioso style.

With a love of theater, Puget composed 2 one-act operettas, Le mauve oeil and La veilleuse, ou les nuits de Milady, which had success at the Opera-Comique, though reviews were lacking in support. She also wrote solo piano music.

During her lifetime, Puget was as well known as singers and composers, Pauline Viardot, and Viardot’s sister, Maria Malibran. 



Songs (most with words by Gustave Lemoine)

Six nouvelles romances (text by Gustave Lemoine)
Roses et Quenouille
L’amour d’une mère
Qu’à toi!
La marche du régiment
Demain, je serai dame!

Douze romances (Words by Gustave Lemoine)
Belle pour lui!
Plus de mère
La chanson du charbonnier
La Bayadère
Jeune fille

Douze romances (c. 1840, Words by Gustave Lemoine)
Je veux t'aimer sans te le dire (1838)
Si j'étais la brise du soir
La boîte aux agnus
Ne quittez jamais votre mère
La somnambule
Son nom!
Ma colombe
Ave Maria
À la grâce de Dieu
Tout pour toi
Le plus beau de Séville

Ne quittez jamais votre mère

Je veux vous plaire

Les deux âmes (1837)

Appelle-moi ta mère (1844)

La reine des fous 

Le ciel sur terre

Une Députation de Demoiselles


Vole, mon cœur, vole!

La rêve d’un page

Les amours

Ton cœur!

La petite bergère

La retour de la mère

Les bohémiens de Paris

La serment devant dieu!

Toi partout et toujours!

L’amant le plus tendre

Morte d’amour!

Appelle-moi ta mère

Le Postillon de Seville

Dis-moi: Je t’aime!

Le clocher de mon village

Le roi de la mer

Ta voix

Le roi et la reine

Adieu, Cousine

Du temps que la Reine Berthe filait

Fleur des champs (1840)

La bénédiction d’un père (1860)

Le bon curé patience (c. 1843)

Le chasseur et la laitière (1838)

Le ciel sur terre (1841)


Les hommes ne comprennent nien

Je t’aime parceque je t’aime!

La coquette de soixante ans

Son nom!!…

Mater dolorosa

Ma colombe

La femme à caractère

Marie Stuart

La retraite

La crèche

La demande en mariage (1842)

La dot d’Auvergne (c. 1840)

Les deux âmes (1837)

Les honneurs partagés

Le lys dans la vallée (1835)

Le nom de Marie (1845)

La reine des fous (1838)

La sérénade du pâtre (c. 1840)

La voix tendre (1841)

Morte d’amour! (1840)

Narbonnaise (1840)

Ne quittez jamais votre mère

Ta dot

Tempête (1838)

Collections containing Puget’s songs:

Nineteenth century French art songs. Volume II : for medium/high voice & piano


Le Mauvais œil, opera (1836)

La Veilleuse, ou les Nuits de Milady (1869)




Cook, Susan C., and Judy Tsou, editors. Anthology of Songs, Women composers series, Vol. 22. DaCapo Press, 1988.

Sadie, Julie Anne, and Rhian Samuel. Norton Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. W.W. Norton, 1994, pp. 378-379.

Tsou, Judy, rev. William Cheng. “Loisa Puget.” Grove Music Online, 2001, updated 2012.